Sjįvarborg Restaurant

  • Address: Strandgata 1, 530 Hvammstanga
  • Phone: +354 451 3131
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Sjįvarborg is a restaurant located by the harbour in Hvammstangi. Sjįvarborg offers diverse menu all year round along with serving food to the elementary school of Hunathing vestra during the winter. The house was originally built as a slaughterhouse but the part that houses the restaurant was mostly used as a freezer for Kaupfélag Vestur-Hśnvetninga. Before the construction of the slaughterhouse a house named Sjįvarborg stood on the spot and from that house the restaurant was named. Old Sjįvarborg has now been moved to another place in town. Sjįvarborg is run by Gauksmżri ehf.

Free WiFi, and we host events and concerts.

